St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Good luck to our fabulous Y6 pupils taking their SATS next week! *** Non-Uniform Friday 17th May in exchange for a donation of sweets ***

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


Teacher: Mrs Cropper

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Colley

Our Gospel Value is: Respect


Pupil Leaders:

Our School Councillors: Archie and Nathaniel

Our Eco Warriors: Emilia and Aaron 

Our SHINE Councillors: Ewan and Millie 

Our link Governor is: Gillian Anderson


Helpful Information:

  • Reading books can be changed when your child has finished their book. 

    Reading records are needed in school every day

  • Homework (including spellings) is handed out on a Friday and due in on a Friday
  • Library book changing day is Monday

  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Thursday is indoor PE.

  • Spelling test will be on a Friday

  • Log-on for TTRocks is in the front of your child's reading diary

  • Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons:

    Monday - Mrs Taylor, Mrs Rayton,
    Tuesday- Mr Boyes,

    Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack 

  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing

Looking ahead:

  • Tuesday 23rd April- Wonderful Tuesday  2:30-3:15pm. Each child may have one parent/carer to come and join in with our learning and to see the wonderful things we get up to in Year 5

  • Tuesday 30th April- Liverpool World Museum Trip

Summer Term message from Mrs Cropper: 

Hello Year 5,

I hope you all had a fantastic break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting term ahead. Welcome back to school for the Summer Term!

This term, we have an incredible topic lined up for you all - 'Groundbreaking Greeks'. Get ready to explore the fascinating world of Ancient Greece, its rich history, powerful gods and goddesses, epic myths, and groundbreaking discoveries that have shaped our world today.

We have some fantastic activities planned, including a visit to the Liverpool World Museum where you'll get to see ancient artifacts up close and personal. We are also delighted to announce that Mr Warrell will also be visiting us to share his expert knowledge and passion for history with all of you. In addition, we will be heading outdoors for some Forest School sessions in Summer 1. Get ready to connect with nature, learn new skills and have some outdoor adventures. Make sure you have your wellies and coats! Lastly, don't forget to start practicing for Sports Day - it's going to be a day filled with fun, teamwork and friendly competition (with some Fylde coast sun in the mix too…we can hope).

It's going to be a jam-packed term full of learning, laughter and new experiences. Let's make this Summer Term one to remember!


Mrs Cropper


Superb Space STEM work

Posted: Feb 15, 2024 by: Lindsay Walton (L.Walton) on: Year 5 Blog

As as launch(!) to our Moon week, Mrs Cropper arranged for a STEM ambassador to come into Year 5 for the full day.  It was a brilliant day and his space knowedge was just phenomenal, awesome and very inspirational.  We were full of questions for him....and he could answer them all! WOW!