St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School is closed for summer and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September at 8.45am****Enjoy your break!

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022

Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Mabe
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sayer and Mrs Arciniega

Our Gospel Value is: Peace


Our School Councillors: Cassius and Sienna W

Our Eco Warriors: Sienna F and Robin

Our SHINE Councillors: Matilda and Emily

Our link Governor is: Mrs Palmer


Helpful Information:

  • Reading records are needed in school every day.

  • When your child has finished reading their book they may change it for another one. 

  • Library book changing day is Wednesday.

  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday - please come in PE kits and remember your swimming kit if you are swimming on Thursday.

  • Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.

  • Spelling tests are weekly on Friday.

  • Log-ins for Timestables Rockstars and Nessy are in the front of your child's reading record.

  • Musical instruments for lessons will be safely stored in Year 4's cupboard - don't forget to take them home at the end of the day!

  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack for morning playtime.

  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day (water only). Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.


Looking ahead:

  • Multiplication Tables Check begins on 03.06.24 for 2 weeks.
  • Ancient Egyptian dressing up day and workshop with Mr Worrell on Thursday 6th June.
  • KS2 Sports Day on Tuesday 11th June.
  • Experience Church with Year 2 on Monday 17th June.

Summer Term message from Mrs Mabe: 

I hope you have all had a well deserved rest and are raring to go for our final half term because it is jammed packed full of learning! We are continuing with our History topic 'Ancient Civilisations' and are looking forward to our workshop with Mr Worrell. Remember to dress like an Ancient Egyptian for the day! So far we have enjoyed our Science topic 'Electricity' and this half term we will be learning how to wire a 3 pin plug and we will be programming traffic lights. We are excited about our Olympic Games themed week and keep a look out for Year 4's trip to the beach. To find out even more about what we will be learning and discovering this half term, please have a look at the documents below.

At St Thomas' we LOVE to read, have a look at Year 4's 50 recommended reads below. What will you read next?

Times tables! Times tables! Times  tables! It has finally arrived, Year 4 will be completing their Multiplication Tables Check during the first 2 weeks back at school. This means it is more important than ever to be practising your timetables at every opportunity. For more information please see the PowerPoint below.

Please have a look at our 'fridge words' linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our History and Science lessons this term. How many of these can you learn? Put them on your fridge as a reminder!

If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask - I am happy to help!

Mrs Mabe 

Year 4 Blog

Singing rhymes in French

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

Year 4 have loved learning French through our brand new scheme of work, Kapow. This term, we have been learning greetings using finger puppets, emojis and rhyme. Year 4 had to learn the words to 'Deux petits chatons visitant Paris'. They used their knowledge and recognised words that sound similar in both French and English to translate the rhyme into English. They listened to instructions in French to make their own finger puppet and then performed the rhyme with their partner. Très bien!

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Bolton Museum

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

Wow, wow, wow! Year 4 learnt so much at Bolton Museum! We discovered that a mill owner in Bolton, called James Barlow, sent his daughter Annie Barlow to Egypt to buy cotton. Annie ended up coming home with 8,000 artefacts which she donated to the Chadwick museum. We made a human timeline and stepped back 7000 years in history. We had a debate on the causes of Tutankhamun's death- was it a chariot accident or a hippo attack? We even saw a real mummy who we think was a priest because his hands were down rather than crossed over his body. Did you know Ancient Egyptians would let everyone know they were mourning the death of a pet cat by shaving off their eyebrows? When mummify a person you remove their lungs, liver, stomach and intestines and put them in canopic jars. We even learnt how to remember which organ goes in which jar. We weighed Mrs Mabe's heart and found her wanting but she tricked the scales with a scarab beetle and made it to the afterlife after all! What a day!!

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Safety Swimming and RNLI

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

On Friday, Year 4 went swimming in their pjs for their safety swimming lesson. They learnt how to save someone from water by shouting for help, lying on their tummy to pull them in and keeping them warm, keeping them away from water, chatting to them and not giving them food. They also learnt what to do if they found themselves in an emergency situation in water. Remember to remove heavy clothing, lie on your back and remain calm, conserve energy by doing the dog paddle rather than front crawl and keep your hat on! We then walked to the RNLI to better understand what they do and how we can keep ourselves safe at the beach. Did you know that the RNLI stands for the Royal National Lifeboat Institute? St Annes have the most recent lifeboat in circulation, it has 2 jet engines that expel 1.5 tonnes of water per second each! It is a self righting boat, so it can't be upside down and all the seats are hydraulic to keep them level in rough water. The only person on site who is not a volunteer is the mechanic. We had a great morning!

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World Book Day

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

Reading is our superpower! Year 4 had a great day dressed as their favourite book characters for World Book Day. In the morning, we learnt all about the life of Michael Rosen by completing a quiz in teams. We then focussed on one of his poems, 'Words Are Ours' and thought about how words are all around us. We then wrote our own versions using all our favourite words. In the afternoon, we got the opportunity to meet Michael Rosen online and then our parents came into school to join in with our Big Read. Thank you to everyone who made our day so special!

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Mountain or hill?

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

During our topic 'Misty Mountain, Winding River' Year 4 have been learning about the physical features of mountains. We have discovered there are 5 types of mountains and a mountain has to be higher than 610m to be classed as a mountain. Today, we looked at ordnance survey maps of the UK. We learnt that the closer the contour line the steeper the slope on a map. Using the contour lines, the children identified mountain peaks, they then wrote down their name, height and their four figure grid refence.

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Money Sense

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

Today the year 4 children were joined by Mike and James from the NatWest Money Sense programme! The children took part in the "Party Time" workshop practising some valuable life skills, balancing budgets and planning finances for a birthday extravaganza! Such responsible spending Year 4, well done!

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Hot Coconut Buns!

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

We had an exciting English lesson today. The children came into class to find the classroom had been turned into a bakery. First of all, we discovered that imperative verbs are 'bossy verbs' and they create a command sentence. We thought about where we find imperatives verbs and then identified them in a recipe. We then thought of more imperative verbs we could use and put them into sentences. The children then got to make Hot Coconut Buns following the recipe!! Mmmmmm.

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Grouping and Classifying in Science

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog



Year 4 have started their new Science topic all about Grouping and Classifying. On Wednesday, the children learnt that classification is the arrangement of living and non-living things into groups or categories. We then had a go using some pictures. The children started by thinking of a single-stage questions such as 'Is it green?' and then continued to form sub-groups until all the pictures in each group were the same. This is called multi-stage classification.

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Atmospheric Moon Art in the Gallery

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

Our amazing artwork has been chosen to be on display in the Lytham Heritage Art display during February. This work was inspired by our Moon Week and involved us looking closely at the moon and using our painting skills to create an atmospheric image.  Effie was chosen as a prize winner - for the second year in a row - well done!!

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Forest School Fun

year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog

This term we are enjoying our time in Forest School and the Come Outside Curriculum. Even when it's a rainy day, it doesn't stop us getting outside and enjoying our outdoor learning! Today we used the rain to listen for the different sounds it made on different surfaces and why! We used our knowledge of irreversible processes when cooking popcorn over the fire. We created a waterproof shelter using a tarp and we embraced all the fun to be had with mud! Great outdoor learning Y4!

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