Eco Council
March 2023
Waste Busters Week 17th April 2023
We have begun to use our ECO bricks to build some furniture. It takes time as we have to built up the layers bit by bit. We are looking forward to seeing the end product soon.
11th May 2022
Today the Eco warriors and the St Anne's in Bloom team planted a special Jubilee tree! It is a Rowan tree and marks the Platinum Jubilee for HR Elizabeth II. The children told our guests all about roots (the ones that root and the ones that explore for water)! They now have the important job of looking after our tree and helping it survive.
World Earth Day 22nd April 2022
At St Thomas' we are passionate about conservation, our environment and about finding out how we can 'make a difference'!
Today we been celebrating our glorious earth with all its flora and fauna but also we have been learning about the issues our Earth is facing today!
Each class has been learning about a different continent and researching all about its ENDANGERED animals, as well as the reasons why!
Year 5 completed a beach litter pick with Tracy Hope who works for Fylde Coast 'LoveMyBeach' team! They collected ten bags of rubbish in one and a half hours!
Each class planted a new sapling and made a wildflower seed bomb in an effort to increase our BIODIVERSITY in our school grounds! We look forward to watching them grow!
Last Saturday some of the pupils, ex pupils and parents planted saplings around St Thomas' Church grounds too!
Thank you to all the pupils, staff, governors and parents who helped make this special day possible!
Mrs Mason :-)
1st April 2022 World Earth Day!
World Earth Day 22nd April- More details to follow...
21st March 2022 Waste Busters! Please find out how you can help us be a 'waste buster' school!
16th March 2022
Today we had a whole school assembly all about E-WASTE! We began by reminding ourselves what wonderful work we are doing already as an ECO school! The Eco warriors shared what their classes have been learning about too! From today we are now a registered E-Waste school! Check out the PowerPoint below and see how you can help be an e-waste detective!
March 2022
Why not apply for your ECO Blue Peter Badge like Isaac in Y1? he had to SWITCH OFF the lights in his house for two weeks, plant some seeds and make Eco bricks using single use plastics! GREAT work Isaac! We are very proud of you!
Spring 2022
We are celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight. We now have a school page dedicated to Fairtrade. Check it out if you can and maybe you could share some ideas too. It is under the 'More' section of the website.
January 2022
The ECO warriors completed the Big Schools Bird Watch and submitted their results to the RSPB. We saw lots of magpies, black headed gulls and pigeons. We saw two robins as well! The KS2 children supported the KS1 children in identifying the type of bird, talking about the different calls, shapes and colours using an identification chart. Our school governor Mr Bennett and parent help Ms McDonald helped out too.
Please read the side of our READ TO RECYCLE boxes and start to donate! Thank you
5th November 2021
We are pleased to announce our new school initiative RECYCLE TO READ! The children have been learning about recycling and thinking about the benefits for our environment and to help combat climate change! Please send in BROKEN PLASTIC toys and/or working small unwanted ELECTRICALS!
21st September 2021
Welcome to our new ECO Warriors for 2021! Today we have had our first meeting! We talked about the areas we would like to work on, ready for our Green Flag renewal! We also made sure we knew where the paper recycling bin was in school! Great work warriors!
11th September 2021
Please keep on collecting used batteries, sending in wild flower seeds, making ECO bottles and if you can, join in on a weekly litter pick! Over the next week we will be getting together as an ECO team in school and decide what our next ECO mission is! Thank you for all your support at home!
31st August 2021
Over the summer it has been wonderful to see the children of St Thomas' helping Fylde council to keep our beaches clean! Sam (Y3), Emilia (Y3), Theo (Y4), Henry M (Y2)and Oscar (Y2) have all been litter picking on a weekly and sometimes daily basis! Some of our children have even won the litter picking weekly competition!
Have you been taking part in anything ECO FRIENDLY this summer? Send your pictures to me at
Maybe you could partake in some litter picking after the Kite Festival this weekend? Remember to be CV-19 safe and always wash your hands afterwards.
14th June 2021
Well done everybody who turned a plastic bottle into something new! What fantastic innovators we have at St Thomas'. From the pencil pots, paintbrush holders, planters, family game pots and ever lasting flowers, you are all eco warriors! You will all receive a prize for your entry. I think your ideas are GREAT! Why not have a go at turning a plastic bottle into something new if, you didn't enter the competition. Send your pictures to
28th May 2021
Please find below the letter about THE PLASTIC BOTTLE CHALLENGE! You can make a plant pot, bird feeder, bubble maker, pen pot, watering device or a decoration to name but a few. Lots and lots of ideas can be found on PINTEREST!
There will be prizes for the winners! Have fun and enjoy making our world a more ECO place!
14th May 2021
Each class in school has been spreading Wildflower seeds to help invite the bees and butterflies to our school grounds. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will see them start to grow!
6th May 2021
GREAT to see some of our Y1 children using the Polling Day closure as an excuse to KEEP OUR BEACHES CLEAN! Thank you for your community work! If anybody takes part in a beach clean or litter picking activities then tell us about it. Send your pictures to and I will add them to our Eco page.
12th April 2021
Wow wow wow! We finally have our Polytunnel built on our school grounds ready for us to be growing and planting! We hope to grow vegetables that can be used to make soup and invite some of our local community to come and enjoy it! The polytunnel has been kindly erected by Mr Hamilton! A great big thank you to you from us all! Mrs Mason and the St Thomas' Eco Team.
30th September 2020
Thank you so much to those people who have collected ECO Bricks so far! We already have around 18! We are now collecting them in school and if you have made one please pop it over the Forest School fence as you leave school via the carpark (either morning or after school). I will quarantine them ready for use next year. The average family takes around a week to fill a bottle. Please see the instruction leaflet below. These bricks need to be solid (plastic compressed in) and clean plastic not covered in food products.
Thank you so much! We will be using these ECO BRICKS to improve our gardening area next year! Mrs Corinne Mason
30th September 2020
Already Year Two Eco Warriors are recycling our scrap paper! I wonder which other classes around school I will spy being 'eco' with their paper?
29th September 2020
This year's class Eco Warriors are:
Year 6 - Lee and Ellvie
Year 5 - Tom and Daisy
Year 4 - Jazmin and Grayson
Year 3 - Sienna and Theo
Year 2 - Sam and Olivia
Year 1- Josephine and Jacob
Reception - Isaac and Amber
25th September 2020
Following on from last year, we are still asking people to create ECO bricks as a way of recycling plastic at home but also to help us transform our planting area in the Spring term. Please collect them in groups (not send in one at a time) and leave over the Forest School fence so I can quarantine them in the shed.
Thank you so much! Mrs Mason
Please check out the link all about ECO bricks and the 'how to..' guide below.
22nd September 2020
This year EVERYONE has an ECO water bottle made from a 100% recyclable plastic. You must take these home eachnight to be washed and refilled. This is helping us to stay Covid safe whilst being ECO friendly.
15th July 2020
We can help conservationists look after our wildlife in our local area by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count this summer. This is very much like the Big Bird Hunt except that it only takes 15 minutes. Follow the link to take part!
13th July 2020
Please find a letter about our new 'ECO' water bottle system for September 2020.
Name | |
eco-bottle-letter-july-2020.pdf | Download |
2nd July 2020
Just some of the flowers we've planted to encourage bees and butterflies to our school grounds this year! We currently have a huge sunflower growing there too!
3th June 2020
Each Saturday at 10.30am for an hour the 'Love My Beach' leaders encourage families to help clear the beaches of all our litter. This Saturday it was lovely to see so many of our St Thomas' families taking part. If you would like to give it a go then we meet at the RNLI Centre in St Anne's (behind the pool). You will be given a plastic bag. They have a few spare litter pickers but you can take your own and take gloves too. Litter is damaging to our animals and their habitats. But research shows that if people see litter people are more inclined to also drop their litter too. Well done Eco Warriors! If you take part in a beach litter pick then send your pictures to
3rd March 2020
WOW! We have been busy observing the flora and fauna at St Thomas'! We have been observing our spring flowers, making bird feeders, pond dipping and completing the RSPB Big School Bird Watch 2020. We also explored 'food chains' in our Science club by dissecting owl pellets! We found bones, skulls and beaks.
WOW! We have finally received our GREEN FLAG! Well done Eco warriors past and present! We endeavor to keep up the hard work!
19th December 2019
We wish you all a HAPPY ECO Christmas and a HAPPY ECO NEW YEAR!! We have once again made our Y1 Christmas tree using egg boxes and bottle tops! The KS1 ECO warriors from EYFS and Y2 helped as well!
18th November 2019
Today Year One have been planting Hazel saplings (young trees). We have been working as a team and we cannot wait to see our trees grow. They will need water and sunshine. We hope that the roots grow deep over winter!
17th October 2019
Thank you to all the parents who have collected a bag full of plastic and recycled them at home for us.
15th October 2019
Today we cleared our plastic recycling bins into bags and we have asked parents to take them home to be put in their blue bins. The staff collect their plastics, cans and glass in the staff room too. Parents have received a text to help us recycle our waste. Thank you for your help!
Today we have been putting our ECO St Thomas' motto around school! We will be sending a text home to remind parents, governors and teachers about our aim at St Thomas'.
15th September 2019 - We have added a new section to our school trip letters asking parents to provide packed lunches with reusable containers in an effort to minimise waste and 'reuse'.
19th September 2019
It is very exciting time for our school as we have applied for our 'green flag'. Over the next few weeks the Eco Schools team will assess our application and will come to visit us to see if we meet the criteria. Next week we will be sharing our new Eco Schools motto which the children have created themselves. If you would like to become involved in our ECO club or help in any way, please come and see me. Thank you Mrs Mason
13th September 2019
Wow, Look at our wildflower gardens grow! They are visited daily by the bees and over summer we had lots of butterflies too. We have definitely helped create a habitat and food source to help the 'plight' of the bee!
Welcome to our new Eco warriors! We have been already creating our school 'eco motto'! The children did a great job and remembering everything we have worked on over the last two years and by suggesting lines for our motto! Look out for posters around school and we will share our posters with you by sending a copy home.
1st July 2019
Our wildflower garden is beginning to grow! well done KS1! Now all we need is some sunshine and to keep watering our flowers!
14th June 2019
Thank you to the KS2 parents/carers for help planting the wildflower garden. All children in school were given the opportunity today to make a seed bomb and take part. Hopefully the sun will shine and we will have a great garden for the bees and butterflies!
21st May 2019
Year 2 have been helping to keep our school clean by taking part in our litter picking session.
26th March 2019
Year One have been LITTER PICKING our school field. We know that looking after our world includes keeping it clean and tidy.
22nd March 2019
Today the 'eco warriors' set about collecting words ready for St Thomas' to create their own ECO CODE for all pupils, teachers, parents and governors to know and support us with. If you would like to contribute to our eco code then please write down some of your ideas or better still... joinus in our next 'eco' meeting on Friday 29th March at 9am.
Thank you so much for all the used batteries so far! Our first container is half full already!
March 2019
Where possible we are encouraging people to walk to school. We will be recording the information as children come into school. Can you reduce your carbon footprint?
Today we invited parents and the whole school into assembly to launch our BIG BATTERY HUNT! We also shared what the Eco Club and St Thomas' have achieved already. Please take a look at our presentations!
21st December 2018
Year Three have been 're-using' bottle top lids to make their Christmas tree decoration! Lets hope they will 'hang' around for a long time!
20th November 2018
Today children have been designing flyers for our PLASTIC IS NOT FANTASTIC week!
Spring 2019
Year Four have been working in the community asking local businesses if they would agree to take part in the 'refill' a water bottle scheme. This is to help reduce single use plastic when people buy a bottle of water from a shop each time.
Here is our school litter picking rota. Parents and helpers are invited to join in and help. Please look out for a text or an invite in the website.
20th November 2018
The children at Eco Club have been making posters that will be made into flyers and sent home. We spent 2017/2018 collecting plastics from around school ready for recycling. The children would like parents to take a bag of plastic home and put it in your 'blue' recycling bin. This will free our school bins so we can begin our plastic recycling conquest again! Thank you for your support in making our environment cleaner and more eco friendly.
Say hello to our 2018/2019 new 'Eco Warriors'! (more photos to come).
26th February 2018
This week we will be introducing a new initiative to help us achieve our silver award. This morning the children have met 'Recycling Rita' and will begin taking part in 'Waste Week'. We will be starting paper and cardboard recycling in class and inviting parents to help us recycle our plastics. We will also be encouraging children to be less wasteful of food at lunch time e.g. finishing their plate and only choosing what they will eat then going back for more if still hungry. We will measure the food and rubbish wastage in our bins before we begin our initiative and then measure the impact. This information will be passed on to the 'POD' scientists at EDF energy who are supporting schools in the battle to look after our wonderful world!
Thursday 11th January - We are working towards our silver Eco Club badge. To make a bigger impact on our school environment we are introducing Whole School Litter Picking. Duties will be taken up by: January - Year 4; February - Year 1; March - EYFS; April - Year 3 - May - Year 5; June - Year 2; and July - Year 6.
Eco Club is run by Mrs Mason and 14 children, two from each year group. Members are: Jasper and Maisie in Reception; Arianna and Grayson in Year 1; Angelo and Erin in Year 2; Scarlett and Taylor in Year 3; Izzy and George in year 4; Leo and Emmie-Mae in Year 5; and Finn and Seren in Year 6.
They meet every half term during their lunch hour. Last half term they achieved the Bronze Award following a plan they drew up to make the School more eco friendly. The two target areas for the action plan are saving energy and litter picking. This half term they are working towards the Silver Award. If you are a parent, grandparent, carer or friend of the school and would like to help at Eco Club, then please contact Mrs Mason.
We have used egg boxes to make an 'Eco-friendly' Christmas tree! Year One and Eco Club have helped us paint, stack, fix and decorate the tree!
January 2018
Each class at St Thomas' has a fruit peel and core bucket ready to put in our Key Stage composter. The staff have begun collecting their used teabags in the staff room ready for the composter too.