St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School disco Thursday 30th January. Go to Parent Pay for tickets and tokens

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022

Reception Class

Teacher: Mrs Mason

Teaching Assistants: Miss Cunningham, Miss Winskill & Mrs Harrison

Our Gospel Value is: Kindness


Pupil Leaders:

Our School Councillors:  Rory and Alma

Our Eco Warriors: Oliver and Esmae

Our SHINE Councillors: Rooha and Sadie

Our link Governor is: Louise Evans 

Class Dojo:

Class Dojo is the platform Reception class use to share information on a daily basis.  Parents and Carers can join Class Dojo via an invitation from the class teacher, Mrs Mason.  The class teacher will share photographs, information about our learning and how you can help at home.  Parents and Carers can send photographs of their children's achievements, share news, let the class teacher know information (non-urgent) and ask questions.   

Helpful Information:

  • Reading books will be changed on a Friday
  • Reading records are needed in school every day
  • Library Visit and book changing day is Friday
  • Homework is given via Class Dojo.
  • PE kits are needed on Wednesdays and Fridays - please come in PE kits ready 
  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack 
  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing.  You may choose to send your own in. 

Looking ahead:

  • We will be in Forest School every Wednesday on our Welly Walk-  please wear your PE kit and bring your wellies in! In winter and spring please bring gloves and a hat too.
  • We will be visiting St Annes Library each term to develop our love of reading and awareness of our community.
  • We will visit Porritt House Nursing Home this year to share stories and books.
  • Our school trip will be on the 7th May 2025 to Park View 4 U 

Spring Term message from Mrs Mason: 

Happy New Year and welcome back to school ready for our 2025 learning. The Early Years team are looking forward to working with the children in Reception class during the spring term. This half term we will be learning under the themes of 'Starry Night' and 'Dinosaurs'.  We will be observing and talking about winter.  We will encourage children to ask and answer questions about this season. We will be learning about animals that hibernate and animals that are nocturnal.  We will be learning about floating and sinking as well as what happens to liquid when it freezes and melts with the season.   We will be going on Wellington walk every Wednesday into our Forest School area where we will be building dens, making bird feeders, toasting marshmallows and being imaginative with sticks. January is the Reception Class month for 'litter picking'.  We will be helping to make sure our school grounds are safe for the animals and families.  Our class Author is Jill Murphy who wrote super stories such as Peace At Last and Whatever Next.  If you have any questions at all, please ask and I will do my best to answer asap. Thank you for all your support in advance, Mrs Mason


Useful Documents for Reception Year

Reception Curriculum Learning Overview  

Reception End of Year Expectations

Reception Baseline Parent Information

Reception English Overview

Reception Maths Overview

Reception Reading Spine

50 Recommended Reads for 4-5 Year Olds

ELS Phase 2 Phonics

ELS Phase 3 Phonics

ELS Phase 5 Phonics

Autumn Term Documents

Me and My Community

Exploring Autumn

Once Upon a Time

Sparkle and Shine

Spring Term Documents

Starry Night

Dangerous Dinosaurs

Ready Steady Grow

Summer Term Documents

Build It Up

Big Wide World

Animal Safari

On the Beach




Reception Blog

Shadow Puppets

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

This week the children have been learning all about shadows. We started our learning by looking for woodland animals in the dark using our torches as lights. We then cut out woodland animals and used torches to create shadows. We know that shadows are when an object blocks a light source. If you move the light source further away the shadow gets smaller. If you move the light source nearer it gets smaller.

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Who works while we sleep?

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

We have been learning all about people who work at night (whilst we sleep). We know that our emergency services and other workers need special uniforms and equipment to help them see in the dark. We used torches to see what happens when we shine them on night time police uniforms and motorway maintenance workers.

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Frosty Mornings!

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

Today we have been practising writing our new sounds 'oo' and 'or' with sticks on the frosty ground.  We have been investigating what happens to ice when we bring it inside too.  Brrrrrrrrrr!

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Nativity Festival at Fairhaven

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

The children in Reception enjoyed going on a bus and travelling to Fairhaven to see over 200 Nativity sets.  They enjoyed crafts, stories and learning about the story of Jesus' birth.

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Bibbedi Bobbedi Boo!

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

The children have been busy in Forest School finding their own special stick to turn into a magic wand.  The children used their wand to make 2D shapes to the tune of Bibbedi Bobbedi Boo and create some magic! 

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People Who Help Us

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

Reception class have been meeting lots of people who help us in the community.  We have met the police, firefighters, paramedics and a dentist.  We know what they do, what they need and what they have to wear to keep themselves and others safe.  We have been in all their vehicles and listened to the sirens too. 

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Rainbow Friendships

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

Reception Class have been mixing primary colours using their hands and making something new together. 

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Welcome to Reception Class

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

We have had a wonderful first week getting to know one another, exploring our classroom and we have been busy with our learning already! Great work Reception!

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Keeping Healthy and Getting Sweaty

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog


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Tip Tip Dig Dig! We are builders!

Reception Teacher (C.Mason) on: Reception Blog

Reception class have been learning all about building!  We have been planning, building, evaluation, drawing, explaining and working as a team to make buildings and bridges. 

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