St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School disco Thursday 30th January. Go to Parent Pay for tickets and tokens

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


Teacher: Mrs Eaves

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Carey (mornings).

Mrs Colley (Tue-Thurs afternoons).

Our Gospel Value is: Friendship


Pupil Leaders:

Our School Councillors:  Claris and Florence

Our Eco Councillors: William and Oliver

Our SHINE Councillors:  Malachi and Carson

Our link Governor is: Mrs Carol Stones

Please ensure if your child needs an inhaler that you send an in date/named one into school as soon as possible.

Helpful Information:

  • Reading books will be changed on Friday 
  • Reading records are needed in school every day
  • Library book changing day is Thursday 
  • PE days are Monday and Tuesday  - come in PE kits ready for these. Please note that jewellery and accessories (e.g. watches, hair bows) must not be worn on a PE day due to safety reasons. Please wear shorts under tracksuit bottoms on monday and Tuesday for indoor PE.
  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack
  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing
  • Spelling test every Friday
  • Homework will be sent home every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.
  • The school gates open at 8:45am - please be in school before 8:55am. The school day finishes at 3:25pm

Looking ahead:

    • Tuesday 7th January School opens 8.45am
    • Wednesday 15th January Fieldtrip to St Annes Pier
    • Wednesday 5th February Fieldtrip around St Annes observing local human and physical features
    • Wednesday 12th February Parents’ Evening 5.00 -7.30pm
    • Thursday 13th February Parents’ Evening 3.40 – 6.10pm
    • Friday 14th February School Closes for holidays


    Spring Term message from Mrs Eaves: 

    Welcome back after the Christmas holidays! I hope you all had a wonderful break, spending time with your family and friends after working so hard the Autumn term. We are really looking forward to be doing lots of new learning in the New Year.

  • We will study Geography in the Bright Lights, Big City project.  Your child will learn all about St. Annes Pier, as our local landmark and will visit this as part of their Geography Fieldwork. They will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom, including their location, capital cities and some of their physical and human features. They will have the opportunity to do map work, using compasses and positional and directional language to plan routes around St annes and London. They will research the cause and impact of the Great Fire of London and look at some famous London landmarks. 

    Our focuses in Maths for this term will be place value and addition and subtraction. We will be working on practising counting in 1's to 100, forwards and backwards from any given number.   We will also begin counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. As a school, we now also have access to Numbots, which can be accessed on any device. Your log in for this is in your reading record. I would love it if you could have a go on this at home.

  • In Science we will be learning about Seasonal Changes. Your child will learn about the four seasons. They will go out into the local environment to experience the weather. They will examine the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees, observing trees in the local environment. They will learn about how the seasons affect animals and make comparisons between them. They will find out what the weather is, what types of weather there are and what causes the weather. They will learn about what the weather is like in each season and discover why the lengths of daytime and night time change in different seasons. They will learn about the Sun and how to protect their skin from the Sun’s rays. They will observe and measure the wind, recording their data on a bar chart. They will learn how to read the temperature from a thermometer and record temperatures over a series of days. They will measure rainfall and carry out an investigation into the rain. They will learn about weather forecasts and symbols.
  • We will continue with our daily Phonics and weekly spelling test, and we will read books by the author Emily Gavett.   I have put a link to the Year 1 Common Exception Words below. These are words that all children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 1. It is important that we practise spelling these words, as they are commonly spelt incorrectly meaning that we may find them a little bit trickier to remember. How many can you already spell?
  • Our Spring Term Learning Letter and knowledge organisers are also linked below. These detail everything we are going to be learning about this term. Please take a look so you know exactly what we will be exploring.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask - I am always happy to help! 

  • Mrs Eaves and the Year One Team

Year 1 Blog


year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

In Year One we are learning about Landmarks in Geography. 

We visited our local landmark, St Annes Pier and learnt all about its history. 

Wonderful Wednesday

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

The children were joined by their grown ups and together they made their Christmas Tree decoration, and then they hung their decorations on the school Christmas tree. 

Design and Technology

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

The children designed and then made an animal shelter (for a small toy animal) to a set of design criteria. 

Odd Socks Day

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

Geography Fieldwork

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

Year One went on a fieldtrip around St Annes to identify and record physical and human features.

History - finding out about the 1950's

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

Mrs Walton's mum came into class to talk to the children about being a child in the 1950's.  She brought in photographs and even a very special horse and carriage that her father bought her back from when he went to London to see the Queen on her Coronation Day. 


year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

In Year One we were programming the Beebots to move forwards, backwards, left and right following a list of instructions. 

Mapping skills

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

The class had their very first Geography lesson where the learnt about human and physical features and they looked at a range of maps, including digital maps, globes, atlases and OS maps. 


year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

In art the children studied the artist Molly Haslund who drew large circles and spirals and they then drew small circles and spirals in their art sketch books and large ones on the school playground.

Religious Education

year1 teacher (K.Eaves) on: Year 1 Blog

In our RE lesson the children were wearing clothes similar to what people would have worn in Jesus's life time.