St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School is closed for summer and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September at 8.45am****Enjoy your break!

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


Daily Worship is a central part of school life at St Thomas', and all staff and children are encouraged to worship in a variety of ways, through words, prayer, dance, singing or everyday actions and responses. Collective worship happens daily and individuals also have the opportunity to worship, to reflect, to pray and to put their own responses to worship in action throughout the day.  

The worship leader, supported by the children's Faith Council, work  to plan interesting, engaging and diverse worship plans. The plan draws on  a number of well written resources and offers a wide range of topics, covering important themes in the Bible, Christian values, important religious times of year, current events and celebrating how Jesus came so that we could have life in all its fullness, looking about what this means for us in every day life both in school and at home.  Children in school, through their Faith Councillor, are encouraged to share their views on school worship and to help share ideas to ensure that worship is relevant, accessible and engaging for the whole community. 

Our usual worship pattern:

  • Monday sets the weekly theme for the whole school
  • Tuesday is Praise and Prayer worship - worshipping God through music, song, and prayer
  • Wednesday's worship is usually led by our Vicar, a member of St Thomas' Church or Clergy from another local Church.  Once a month we have this worship in St Thomas' Church.  As we have no Vicar at the moment, this worship is led in school. 
  • Thursday is a class worship where children reflect on “Big Questions” about faith, learn about different Christian people, Christian values and British values
  • Friday's worship is a Celebration Assembly, where children are rewarded with certificates marking achievements and effort across the week and we also have an opportunity to celebrate the children’s achievements outside of school.  Parents, carers and families are also invited to share in this worship with us

At set times of the year, our worship is led by groups of children and at key points in the year, Christmas, Easter and end of the year the whole school enjoy collective worship in Church and we invite our whole school community to share in these acts of worship with us. Throughout the year each class shares an assembly which they plan, write and deliver to the school and their families to celebrate their Class Gospel Value and how they have been able to 'Shine'.

Jack in the Box Worship Team

Jack the Puppy Puppet has returned to our school and he will be looked after by Year 6. Each week he will help a group of Year 6 children to lead worship in Reception Class.  Together they will teach the younger children prayers and stories from the Bible. 

St Thomas' Puppeteers

Our amazing puppeteer team regularly enhance our worship with their own unique 'spin' on some of our favourite songs.

They took part in the KS2 Carol Service and stole the show with their version of 'This Little Light of Mine'. We recorded this after the event so we could share just how amazing they are! What a talented bunch!