Teacher: Mrs Kelly
Teaching Assistants: Mrs N Kelly and Mrs Sayer
Our Gospel Value is: Honesty
Pupil Leaders:
Our School Councillors: Emily and Thomas
Our Eco Warriors: Dexter and Isla
Our SHINE Councillors: Benjamin and Kenna-Jae
Our link Governor is: David Bennett
Helpful Information:
- Reading books will be changed when a child finishes their book
- Reading records (and spellings) are needed in school every day
- Library book changing day is Tuesday
- PE days are Monday and Wednesday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Please ensure that all jewellery is removed and shorts are worn for gymnastics.
- Spelling tests are weekly on Friday.
- Homework will be handed out on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
- Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons
- Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack .
- Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water only. Please return these daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
Meet the Teacher- September 9th
- Parents Evening 16th and 17th October.
Autumn Term message from Mrs Kelly:
Welcome to the new school Year! This term we will be doing lots of exciting, new learning. Our 'knowledge rich project' will be 'Through the Ages'' and we will be doing some interesting history work all about the Stone, Bronze and iron age, including learning about everyday life and studying artefacts.
Excitedly, as part of our Science topic on Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal system, we are planning a trip to Blackpool Zoo.
This term we will also be beginning to prepare for our Let's Go Sing Performance in the Spring term. This year this is to be held at Blackpool Winter Gardens and we hope you come along to support and enjoy the performance. Before Christmas Children will be learning the recorders during their music lessons in readiness for a Christmas performance.
This is just a snap shot of what lies ahead!
Please take a look at the documents below so you can find out more about what we will be learning.
If you have any questions at all - please do ask!
Mrs Kelly
Useful Documents for Year 3
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings pdf
Year 3 Curriculum Overview Year pdf
Autumn Term Documents
Year 3 Learning Letter for Autumn Term
Autumn Term 1 Overview Spellings
Knowledge Organiser History KO.pdf
Knowledge Organiser Science KO.pdf
Year 3 Blog
Year 3 Ribchester Museum Visit
year3 teacher (N.Kelly) on: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 had a fantastic time on their trip to the Roman Museum in Ribchester today.
They learnt all about the Roman army including the armour they wore and weapons they used in battle. They even had the opportunity to try on replica armour. We enjoyed looking at the Roman bath ruins and exploring the historic village.
Botanical Artwork
year3 teacher (N.Kelly) on: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 have been learning all about botanical art and what it means to be a botanist.
We have been learning all about artist Katie Scott and creating detailed sketches of flowers and fruits.
Litter Picking
year3 teacher (N.Kelly) on: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 have been carrying out litter picking this month. After Easter we took a tour of the school grounds to collect any unwanted rubbish.
Beach Trip
year3 teacher (N.Kelly) on: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 enjoyed a trip to the beach as part of our geography unit. We collected rocks and drew and labelled their properties.
We are so lucky to have this on our doorstep!
We all had a fantastic time.
Year 3 Forest School
year3 teacher (N.Kelly) on: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 took part in a bird watching survey.
We explored the school grounds and noted down using tally's the many number of species of birds we could spot.
We then uploaded our results to the RSPB website.